Dairy Cow Project

This project has six steps:

We will purchase a young cow from you or a neighbor’s farm, whichever is most convenient. The cow becomes the property of STEER, Inc. and must be identified as such by placing an ear tag, provided by STEER, on the cow.

1. We will purchase a young cow from you or a neighbor’s farm, whichever is most convenient.

Dairy cow

2. You and the milk processing plant complete and sign a milk assignment form.


You and the milk processing plant complete and sign a milk assignment form. You also fill out an Agreement of Stewardship form, which states you will provide the daily feed and care of the animal. 

You take a herd average of the yearly milk production, write this figure on the milk assignment form, and inform the milk dealer. The milk dealer mails the checks monthly for the designated pounds of milk to STEER, Inc. where it is processed and sent to the mission agency you chose. At this time 90% of the proceeds reach the designated mission. We use the remaining 10% for insurance, administration, and the depreciation fund.

3. The milk dealer mails the checks monthly for the designated pounds of milk to STEER, Inc. where it is processed and sent to the mission agency you chose.


4. The income from the calf sales of the STEER, Inc. cow will be used to reduce the original cost of the cow down to $800, which is the salvage value of the cow.

Calf with Spots

The income from the calf sales of the STEER, Inc. cow will be used to reduce the original cost of the cow down to $800, which is the salvage value of the cow. The calves should be sold in STEER, Inc.’s name and the check sent to our office. Once the original price has been reduced to $800, the calf proceeds will also go to the designated mission agency

If the cow has a heifer calf, the calf should be held back as a replacement for the cow. This helps perpetuate the project and removes the need of reducing the cow down to $800 each time the cow needs to be replaced. If the original cow has offspring to replace her production, then the cull cow proceeds will also go to the designated mission.

5. If the cow has a heifer calf, the calf should be held back as a replacement for the cow.

Dairy cow

6. Any losses are covered by our insurance fund that is generated from holding a percentage of the gain when the milk or calf is sold.


If the cow becomes sick, call your local veterinarian and send the bill to our office. If the cow dies, notify our office and we will send you an insurance loss form. We do not expect you to stand the loss. Any losses are covered by our insurance fund that is generated from holding a percentage of the gain when the milk or calf is sold.